This show is royalty-free for schools. This means you do not need to pay an additional royalty fee for productions at schools.
The rights to unlimited amateur performances of this show at one location are granted with the purchase of this script. For other amateur or professional performances, a royalty fee per performance must be remitted to Twisted Plays. Permission to reproduce copies of the play included in this text is granted to amateur groups with the purchase of this play. Royalty fees for this play range from $5-$10 per performance.
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Based on the Canadian Fairy Tale "The Old Witch" this is a heartwarming tale of kindness, compassion, and the rewards of helping others.
Setting: A small village, a forest, an old witch's house, and a wealthy man's home.
Plot: Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a couple who had two daughters. The husband had no work, and the family was struggling to make ends meet. The elder daughter, kind and compassionate, sets off on a journey to find work and help her family. Along the way, she encounters an oven, a cow, and an apple tree, each in need of her assistance. She helps them all, and in return, they help her when she is in need.
Meanwhile, the younger daughter, greedy and selfish, decides to follow in her sister's footsteps. However, she refuses to help the oven, the cow, or the apple tree. When she steals the old witch's gold, the apple tree refuses to hide her, and she is caught and punished.
In the end, the kind daughter is rewarded for her kindness and compassion, while the greedy daughter is punished for her selfishness.
Themes: Kindness, Compassion, Greed, Selfishness, The rewards of helping others
Recommended for: Ages 7 and up
This play runs 5-10 minutes.
- Narrator
- Mother
- Daughter 1
- Oven
- Cow
- Apple Tree
- Old Witch
- Daughter 2
- Stock: In Stock
- Item Number: RtR