- Performances must be done by accredited schools using students only.
- Sorry, orders cannot be processed for Community Theatres, Children's Theatres or Performing Arts schools which do not have an academic curriculum.
Broadway Collection musicals make take ~1 week to process since a separate licensing contract must be signed. Please plan to accordingly to order these shows.

Music and Lyrics by Mel Leven, Randy Rogel, Richard Gibbs, Brian Smith, Martin Lee Fuller and Dan Root
Book Adapted and Additional Lyrics by Marcy Heisler
Music Adapted and Arranged by Bryan Louiselle
Based on the Screenplay by Bill Peet
Based on the Novel "The Hundred and One Dalmatians" by Dodie Smith
Set in the city of London, Dalmatian parents Pongo and Perdita raise their 15 Dalmatians puppies in a small house, along with their human pets, Roger (a composer) and Anita (an artist).
One day when Cruela De Vil spots the Dalmatian puppies, she is dazzled by their spotted fur and decides that their fur would be perfect for her new fur coat!
As the puppies get lured away, Pongo and Perdita must summon the other dogs of London, as well as Sergent Tibbs, to help rescue the puppies from Cruella. You'll love the magic of 101 Dalmatians!
Including favorites "Dalmatian Conga" and "Cruella De Vil." This is a 2022 updated version with a few various script updates.
Kit Includes:
- 30 Student Scripts
- Piano/Vocal Score
- Director's Script
- Digital Components (emailed): Rehearsal/Accompaniment Music & Choreography Videos
Cruella should be a strong actor, singer and mover. She should be a natural leader with dramatic flair who is unafraid to be mean and bossy.
Roger is a songwriter and owner of the Dalmatians. He is soft spoken yet confident and displays leadership in a quiet and composed way, contrary to frenetic Cruella.
Anita is the sweet, nurturing owner of the Dalmatians and a painter. This role requires a strong actor with a good singing voice.
Horace and Jasper provide comic relief a la Abbott & Costello or Laurel & Hardy. They should be good singers and strong actors.
Your Canine Narrators should have loud speaking voices and strong stage presence. Although these children need not be the strongest actors/singers (unless they are doubling as London Dogs), they should have a good memory for lines and more complicated blocking.
Pongo and Perdita are the Dalmatian parents. These parts require good actors, but not necessarily strong singers.
Sergeant Tibbs is the army cat who rallies the London Dogs to rescue the Dalmatian Puppies. This role can be played either by a girl or a boy and, if you have a small cast, can double as Narrator.
The London Dogs are the "ethnic" dogs who help rescue the Dalmatian Puppies from Cruella. They should be strong singers and movers with a willingness to do a British, Scottish, French or Spanish accent.
Patch, Lucky, Penny, Pepper and other Dalmatian Puppies are the often funny and spirited puppies of Pongo and Perdita. If possible, cast your smallest children as puppies.
Nanny is the warm yet outspoken housekeeper to Roger and Anita. This is a small acting role that requires a strong speaking voice.
The Police Officer arrests the villains at the end of the show. This is a small acting role that requires a strong speaking voice, but not necessarily a strong singer.
The Dogcatcher appears at the end of the show to dramatically remove Cruella from the scene. Although it's a small role, it's a favorite because it's funny.
Other Dalmatian Pups are discovered in the fur vault. Spot and Dot are smaller, one-line parts.
Musical Numbers
[All, Cruella, Roger, Anita]
[Groups 1-2]
[Pups, All, Cruella]
[Roger, All]
[Cruella, Horace, Jasper]
[Cruella, Jasper, Horace]
[Boxers, Scotties, Poodles, Chihuahuas, All]
[Cruella, Horace, Jasper, All, Puppies, Sgt. Tibbs]
[Jasper, Puppies, Horace, Cruella]
- Stock: In Stock
- Item Number: KIDS-DA
More Show Options
Broadway Collection Licensing Steps
Whether you're looking for an Broadway Collection show based on a recent hit from Broadway, a timeless classic, a beloved Disney tune or a show based on an award-winning book, we have something for everyone.
Simply browse the collection from the list on our Broadway Junior, Broadway Kids, Young@Part or Younger@Part showpages, and you'll find helpful information on the shows' requirements on their individual show pages.
Read a Copy of the Script Before You Decide
Not sure what show you'd like to perform? Order an audio sampler of a script (also comes with a full listening CD of the show) so you can read the libretto to see if it's right for your group. Read one or read several musicals to help you make the best decision. We strongly recommend you read the script before you book a show - even if you think you know a title. Only you know what material is appropriate for your school.
Audio Samplers are available from Twisted Plays for $10-$15 USD (plus shipping) each. These are yours to keep, even if you decide not to perform the show.
Twisted Plays knows schools are facing challenging times, so they've created a special license just for accredited schools grades K-9. This license includes all the ShowKit™ resources listed above, plus the right to perform the show as many times as you would like within one year.
- MTI's 30-minute KIDS titles range from $395 to $645
- MTI's 60-minute JR. titles range from $550 to $795
- Young@Part titles are $675
- Younger@Part titles are $525
Simply order your selected musical from Twisted Plays. Be sure to include your school's shipping and contact information.
Once Twisted Plays has received your order your License Agreement will be sent/emailed/faxed to you. This is generally a quick process, so be sure to contact us at info@twistedplays.com if you do NOT receive your License Agreement within one week of placing your order.
Read over your License Agreement CLOSELY to be sure you understand it. Broadway Collection titles are non-returnable, so once you sign the license, you've made your purchase. Sign your agreement and return it to Hal Leonard as soon as possible.
Once we receive your signed agreement we will ship your order.
Congratulations! You're on the way to what we hope is one of the most exciting and rewarding experiences of yours' and your students' lives! When your ShowKit™ arrives in the mail you're ready to start rehearsing.
Broadway Collection FAQ
Your Performance License is good for 12 months. You can keep all the materials after the 12 month period, but the materials are not reusable.
You will need to purchase a new kit and sign a new performance license if you would like to perform the show again at another time. The materials are not re-useable, refundable or transferable.
The shows that can be videotaped with the purchase of a Video License at $75 include:
- Disney's Aladdin JR.
- Disney's Aladdin KIDS
- Annie JR.
- Annie KIDS
- Disney's The Aristocats KIDS
- Disney's Beauty and the Beast JR.
- Disney's Cinderella KIDS
- Dear Edwina JR.
- Magic Tree House: Dinosaurs before Dark KIDS
- Elf The Musical JR.
- Fame JR.
- The Musical Adventures of Flat Stanley JR.
- Disney's Frozen JR.
- Magic Tree House: A Ghost Tale for Mr. Dickens JR.
- Guys and Dolls JR.
- Disney's High School Musical 2 JR.
- Disney's High School Musical JR.
- Honk! JR.
- Roald Dahl's James and the Giant Peach JR.
- Disney's The Jungle Book KIDS
- Magic Tree House: The Knight at Dawn KIDS
- Disney's The Lion King JR.
- Disney's The Lion King KIDS
- Disney's The Little Mermaid JR.
- Madagascar - A Musical Adventure JR.
- Mary Poppins JR.
- Disney's My Son Pinocchio JR.
- Peter Pan JR.
- Magic Tree House: Pirates Past Noon KIDS
- Seussical JR.
- Seussical KIDS
- Shrek The Musical JR.
- Singin' in the Rain JR.
- Disney's Winnie the Pooh KIDS
Main restrictions: video recordings are for cast/crew/families only, can't be sold and can't be broadcast in any way including on the Internet.
The remaining shows do not allow videotaping. Parents cannot tape, even just for their own personal in-home use. It has nothing to do with how the tape would be used, not being sold, etc. It all comes down to legal copyright rights. Here is how Music Theatre International explains it:
Unfortunately, the rights to videotape are not available. Copyright law gives authors the exclusive right to control the reproduction of their work. When a license is granted for a live stage production of a show, that license does not include the right to tape it because the authors retain the sole right to decide when or if their work is recorded in any way. Even a videotape made for classroom use, as a personal memento or as an archival school record violates the authors' separate right to reproduce their work. In most cases, the authors have already granted such rights exclusively to film or television companies, in which case videotaping this show would also be infringing upon the rights granted by the authors to a third party.
There is no broadcasting of the show in any way, even if you've signed a video license. The license specifically restricts the right to broadcast your performance on YouTube, any school channel, etc.
No. All performers are required to be in the 9th grade or under when the show is performed.
No. The show must be performed exactly as it has been provided to you in the ShowKit™ materials and you cannot delete, alter or make changes of any kind in the text of the play, the musical numbers, characters or characterizations.
With the MTI ShowKit™ that comes with every Broadway Junior show, there's no way to fail! Even teachers with no theatrical training or experience can easily put on a successful production. All ShowKits™ contain helpful materials enabling you to make your musical the ultimate interdisciplinary teaching tool.
The ShowKit™ includes*:
- Director's Guide
- Tips and suggestions on casting, rehearsals, directing, choreography, costumes, sets, props, lighting and more
- Curriculum Connections featuring educational activities and lesson plans tied to the show
- 30 Actor Scripts - For all the actors to customize and keep
- Performance Accompaniment & Guide Vocal Tracks
- Adapted from the original Broadway orchestrations and professionally produced
- Great keys for young singers
- Guide-vocal tracks allow students to "sing along" - learning the music is easy and fun
- Fully orchestrated accompaniment-only tracks are excellent for live performances with good tempos and easy-to-follow cues
- One Piano/Vocal Score
- Complete scores for the director and rehearsal/performance pianist
- Complete piano/vocal score with script cues
- Transposed into age-appropriate keys
- Easy-to-read format
- Choreography Videos
- Instructional choreography videos with world-renowned choreographer Steven Kennedy
- Steven shows you everything you need to know to handle the dance portions of your MTI Broadway Junior Collection® title
- Downloadable Resources
- Audition materials
- Customizable press release
- Customizable show program
- Helpful templates
* Some showkits have additional or fewer components. See specific show web pages for exact contents.
We've been busy updating all of our ShowKits™ to ensure they remain the best educational resource in the industry. One of the most exciting new elements is the fully re-conceived Director's Guide, patterned after Broadway production show books. In addition to all of the content you love in the classic Director's Guide, features of the new Director's Guide include:
- A three-ring binder allowing you to carry all of your production information in one place and expand and customize the binder to meet your production needs
- The Actor's Script section of the Guide features a full-sized script for easier viewing
- Expanded resources in all production and curriculum areas that reach three levels of directing experience: beginning, intermediate and advanced
- Downloadable resources including audition materials and editable forms
Each Showbox includes:
- 30 Cast Script/Vocal Books
- Director's Script
- 2 Piano/Vocal Scores
- Guide Vocals CD
- Performance Tracks CD
- Logo Pack CD
TRW is thrilled to announce the inclusion of two vital production resources in our Young@Part® ShowBox: choreographic videos brought to you by The Original Production (TOP), and Digital Backdrops from Broadway Media Distribution (BMD). We consider these creative elements - choreography and scenic design - as crucial to the production value of a show. Your Digital Backdrops and Choreographic Videos will be delivered digitally as soon as you've booked your Young@Part® license. We can't wait to give you access to these incredible production tools so you can see firsthand what the excitement is about.
TOP Choreographic Videos provide step-by-step instruction from Broadway choreographers, giving you and your cast the training to execute each number in the show. Whether you use the choreography as is or adapt it for the unique needs of your cast, this thorough teaching tool is a framework for bringing memorable dance numbers to your show. TOP not only breaks down the dance sequences, but also examines the history and development of each style of movement in the show. Teachers consistently share with us how TOP has helped challenge and motivate their students, provide development for their choreographers, and bring a "wow factor" that thrills their audiences.