This show is royalty-free for schools. This means you do not need to pay an additional royalty fee for productions at schools.
The rights to unlimited amateur performances of this show at one location are granted with the purchase of this script. For other amateur or professional performances, a royalty fee per performance must be remitted to Twisted Plays. Permission to reproduce copies of the play included in this text is granted to amateur groups with the purchase of this play. Royalty fees for this play range from $5-$10 per performance.
All rights, including professional, motion picture, radio broadcasting, television, video or sound taping, all other forms of mechanical or electronic reproductions or information storage and retrieval systems and photocopying, and the rights of translation into foreign languages, are strictly reserved by the publisher, Twisted Plays. Any Inquiries concerning these rights should be directed to the publisher.
This play is a retelling of the classic fable "The Tortoise and the Hare". It features a group of animals in the forest who gather to witness a race between the boastful Hare and the quiet Tortoise. The Hare, overconfident in his speed, takes a nap midway through the race while the Tortoise keeps plodding along steadily. In the end, the Tortoise wins the race and teaches the other animals a lesson about the value of perseverance. The play is suitable for all ages and emphasizes the importance of determination and hard work.
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- Stock: In Stock
- Item Number: TORTHARE