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Go Fish! The Musical

Go Fish! The Musical
Show Features: Flexible Cast Size , Comedy
Go Fish! The Musical

By John Jacobson & John Higgins

Grades: K-4

Running Time: 25 minutes

About: A Musical Play for Young Singers. A Tuna Fish that can't carry a tune? A Star Fish that can't get an acting job? A seven-legged Octopus? A Zebra Fish with spots? A Tiger Shark who wants to be friends with everyone? Join in the aquatic fun as little Tiger Shark and his unique collection of friends discover how their differences make them each special. This 25-minute musical for primary grades features 5 original songs, easy rhyming dialog, a castload of parts, choreography, and helpful production hints. Performance Time: Approx. 25 minutes. For Grades K-4.

Kit Includes: Director's Book, Reproducible Kit and Performance/Accomp. download or eKit option (all files sent on Google Drive)

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Cast List

Card Sharks:

  • Blue Shark: Dressed all in blue with a dorsal fin strapped to his back.
  • Mako Shark: Dressed in gray with a fin strapped to his back.
  • Hammerhead Shark: Complete with a dorsal fin and perhaps a hammer on his hat, or lots of hammers hanging from his belt. Or you could create a funny headpiece that resembles the head of a hammer out one ear and the claw part of the hammer out of the other.
  •  Tiger Shark: The littlest shark that wants to be friends with everybody. He could have a lion-type mane around his face and some stripes in his costume.

The Unique Collection of possible friends:

  • Zebra Fish: A fish with spots.
  • Octopus: A seven-legged Octopus. Stuff nylon stockings or leotards for the rest of the legs and fasten them to his or her back.
  • Blow Fish: A fish with allergies; all puffed up with stuffing and carrying an inhaler.
  •  Tuna Fish: A fish that can't carry a tune with a yellow tail. Could add some musical notes and clef signs to the costume.
  •  Star Fish: An out-of-work actor fish wearing a headdress with the points of a star. And/or a boa, jewelry, long whites gloves, a formal gown, a tiara as though she were about to attend a world premier. • Needle Fish: A needler who pokes people when he talks to them. A pair of fake knitting needles through a headdress.
  • Angel Fish: A nice reasonable fish with angel wings and a halo.
  • Electric Eel: A long line of cast members, linked together by placing their L hand on the right shoulder of the person in front of them. The head person does the talking. They could be dressed from head to toe in black.
  • Clown Fish: Jokesters. As many as you want. Dressed like regular clowns.
  • Sea Horses: As many as you want. Dressed with cowboy hats and riding stick ponies.
  • Crabs: A class of crabby crustaceans who whine a lot. Dressed in red/orange clothes, with antennas sticking out of their heads.
  • Red Snappers: All they have to do is snap their fingers to the beat. Dressed in red. Could wear red fedoras or suits to make them look like a doo-wop group
  • Sword Fish: 2 or 4 who guard The Great White. They carry pretend swords. Could be dressed in turbans like Arabian knights, like Musketeers, like contestants in a modern sword fight (white suits and face masks), or even like fully armored medieval knights.
  • Great White: The oracle of the ocean. Could be just two big eyes upstage center.

The Chorus of the show is made up of as many kinds of sea creatures as you can come up with. Here is a partial list to get people thinking and encourage cast members to perform research in order to create costumes and character.

  • Yellow Tang
  • Stingrays
  • Gold Fish
  • Angel Fish
  • Zebra Fish
  • Butterfly Fish
  • Cardinal Fish
  • Box Fish
  • Eels
  • Grunts
  • Grouper
  • Dog Fish
  • Spotted Sweetlips Trigger Fish
  • Sea Catfish
  • Sheephead
  • Spanish Mackerel
  • King Fish
  • Lobsters
  • Pilgrim Lutheran Church and School, Mesa, Arizona
  • Beijing SMIC Private School, Beijing, China
Show Basics
Perfect For Pre-School
Show Kit Type Physical Kit
Running Time < 30 minutes
  • Stock: In Stock
  • Item Number: HL 09970574
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